Cerberus Daily News Wiki

An asari political faction clamouring for reform and resignation of Asari Republican war-time leadership.

Alliance for Change was founded by huntress Sikara Mendaras, who served in the war.

The group gained notoriety in the public eye for conducting illegal protests in Serrice in 2188. The altercation was provoked by the increased prominence of matriarch Galalina Niaso at the Republic of Serrice's ministry of justice. Protesters blocked several city plazas, disrupting businesses, and engaged in a faceoff with the Serrice ceremonial guard that stood over the city's main plaza.

The group's known goals included reform of the Republican military and government, investigation of the Beacon scandal and increases to the defense budgets of the Republics.

It is not known if Alliance for Change has any ties to the Thessian Advancement Front, which has a similar political platform.


The Alliance for Change was first featured in the news here.
